Author Archives: arcVision

Pan’s Thunder – Art meets Nature

Milan, 14th September

Images form the exhibition “Pan’s Thunder, Art meets Nature” – part of the 2nd edition of  d’Annunzio e i Giardini di Pan –  from 13th September to 31th of August. Along this new path, 7 great acoustic horns wich reveal to visitors the ” sound of the cement” were placed.


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Pan’s Thunder – Art meets Nature

Milan, 14th September 2015

Opened yesterday the exhibition “Pan’s Thunder, Art meets Nature” – part of the 2nd edition of  d’Annunzio e i Giardini di Pan –  from 13th September to 31th of August 2016. Along this new path, 7 great acoustic horns wich reveal to visitors the ” sound of the cement” were placed.


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From the “Opening” of Palazzo Italia to the international market: biodynamic cement is now a global product

Milan, 13th September 2015

Technology as Art at the conference on Italcementi ‘s biodynamic‪ cement launch at ‪‎Palazzo Italia. “The relationship with the architects is essential for the research of new products as biodynamic cement – said Carlo Pesenti CEO of Italcementi – ‪‎design is the new frontier.”


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#CittàDonna, urban Renaissance stems from women.

The press kit of the conference #CittàDonna, urban Renaissance stems from women. A new light cast on town and territory regeneration. A reflection on the necessary changes in our lives’ places and time stems from the meeting between the ArcVision Prize and WeWomenForExpo. Starting from suburbs and the redefinition of the role and identity of complex territories.


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#CittàDonna, urban Renaissance stems from women. A new light cast on town and territory regeneration.

Images of the conference #CittàDonna, urban Renaissance stems from women. A new light cast on town and territory regeneration. A reflection on the necessary changes in our lives’ places and time stems from the meeting between the ArcVision Prize and WeWomenForExpo. Starting from suburbs and the redefinition of the role and identity of complex territories.


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